The Invasion Full Movie in Hindi and English BluRay 480P


The Invasion Full Movie

Title: The Invasion Full Movie

Ratings: 5.9/10  84658 Votes

Release Year: 2007

IMDB ID: tt0427392

The Invasion Full Movie: A Thrilling Sci-Fi Story

After a Space Shuttle crashes on Earth, an intelligent fungus-like lifeform is discovered on shuttle remnants scattered widely over the United States. Once people are infected by the organism and REM sleep occurs, the organism takes control of its host and reprograms its genetic expression. One of the first people infected is Tucker Kaufman, a CDC director investigating the crash. Tucker’s ex-wife, the psychiatrist Carol Bennell, begins to feel people have “changed”. Her patient, Wendy Lenk, says her husband “is not (her) husband”, and one of Carol’s son’s friends acts detached and emotionless.

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At a neighborhood Halloween party, Carol’s son Oliver finds an unusual patch of “skin” on a partier, which is initially believed to be costume makeup. Carol speculates that the skin may be connected to reports of a fast-spreading flu. Carol takes the sample to her friend Dr. Ben Driscoll to have it analyzed. Carol and Oliver witness a car accident where a troubled woman is killed. Carol approaches the crash scene to give a witness statement, but an emotionless cop takes down her plates and orders her back to her car. Carol drops Oliver off at Tucker’s house for the weekend.

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That night, Ben and Carol attend a friendly dinner meeting between Russian diplomat Yorish and Czech diplomat Belicec (along with his wife Luddie). Carol and Yorish debate the violent nature of humans. Tucker uses the CDC to spread the disease further, disguising the spores as flu vaccine. Carol, upon returning home, is attacked by a “census department” worker who tries to break into her house. Ben and Dr. Stephen Galeano, a biologist, discover the spore takes over the brain during REM sleep.

The Battle Against the Invasion

Luddie calls Ben, worried about Yorish’s behavior. Ben and Galeano also find that people who had brain-affecting illnesses, such as encephalitis or ADEM, are immune to the spore because their previous illnesses prevent the spore from “latching on” to the brain matter. Oliver is immune to the spore because of the ADEM he had as a young child. Carol decides to retrieve Oliver, who might show a way to a cure. Before she drives to Tucker’s house, she joins Ben’s team at the Belicecs’ house, in a case of emergency. There they witness the transformation of Yorish and the Belicecs’ friend.

The Fight for Survival

When Carol arrives at Tucker’s house, he and several colleagues close in on her. He explains that the changed humans, devoid of irrational emotions, offer a better world, and asks her to join them. When Carol resists, Tucker infects her by spitting on her. She escapes and returns to Ben at the Belicecs’ house. They flee when Belicec returns with more transformed people intent on infecting anyone in the house. Galeano and one of his assistants head to Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland, where they and other scientists will attempt to find a cure for the virus.

The Victory Over the Invasion

Carol and Ben separate to find Oliver, who texts his location, the apartment of Tucker’s mother, to Carol. Carol goes there and spirits Oliver away, but is again pursued by Tucker, whom she has to kill to stop. Carol arranges to meet up with Ben. Carol almost falls asleep waiting for Ben, but Oliver saves her. Ben arrives, but has ‘converted’. He attempts to seduce Carol into the new society that has no crime or violence, but also frankly states that there is no room for people like Oliver who are immune. Carol shoots Ben in the leg and flees with Oliver. They are pursued, but she and Oliver are picked up by helicopter, and flown to the medical center.

The Invasion 2007 Download

A vaccine is created, inoculations are made worldwide, and within a year, the alien virus is eliminated. People have no memory of the events that occurred while they were infected. Carol and Ben reunite, and society reverts to its emotional and violent ways. Experience the thrilling journey of “The Invasion” full movie and witness the battle against a deadly invasion that could change humanity forever.

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The Invasion 2007 Download Information

Film Quality : 480P BluRay

The Invasion Movie Download Size : 328 MB

Movie Language: English and Hindi (Dual Audio)


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